Health Medical

Is Your Child Getting Enough Fibre?

Having a healthy diet means getting enough of all the essential nutrients. This can be complicated enough when you're just feeding yourself, but looking after children means paying particularly close attention to what your little ones are eating. One particular dietary element that doesn't always get as much publicity as it deserves is fibre. Without enough fibre, kids can develop various health problems that may need medical attention in time. As fibre is only found in plant foods, it can be difficult to make sure a child is getting enough in their diet.

How to Integrate Essential Oils Into Your Anxiety-Reduction Relaxation Exercises

Numerous essential oils are linked to anxiety reduction. They include lavender, cinnamon, cedar wood, lime, rose, orange, and many other essential oils. If you already have relaxation techniques to help you deal with your anxiety, you may want to mix essential oils into those routines to make them even more effective. Here are some ideas to explore. Meditation If you use meditation to help with your anxiety, you may want to set up some soothing essential oils in the room where you meditate.

Unusual Signs You Might Have Hearing Loss

Hearing loss is something you probably assume you'll notice right away if you experience it. After all, a drop in your hearing ability – whether gradual or sudden – should be obvious when it happens, right? Unfortunately, detecting changes in your own hearing can be rather difficult. In many cases, a person whose hearing has deteriorated only becomes aware of the problem when friends or family notice a change first.

Quick Fixes for People With Difficulty Opening Jars

When you have a medical condition that means your hands are weak or painful, such as arthritis, there are many daily household tasks that can be difficult. People often notice how much they use their hands every day when suddenly they struggle to do the things they're used to doing. One notoriously difficult task is opening jars. Even people without any general manual difficulty struggle to open some jars, so for people who experience discomfort in the hands, it can frequently be impossible.

How to Help Your Child Heal After Their Venous Sclerotheapy

Venous sclerotherapy procedures can be worrying for parents. While the treatment is usually quick and the risks are low, some parents worry about what recovery will be like. If you're concerned, it's important to note that recovering from sclerotherapy is generally not a difficult process. While there will be some soreness and your child will need to rest for a few days, they should be back to their normal routine within a few weeks.