How Physio Can Help You Recover from COVID

Physiotherapy is one of the most beneficial treatments for recovering from COVID-19. This article will go through how physiotherapy works, what it can do for you and how it might be helpful after COVID-19.

Build-up muscle mass

If you have spent a long time in a hospital bed recovering from COVID-19, you may have lost a lot of muscle mass. Physiotherapy sessions can help you to gain that muscle back. Not only that, but physiotherapy can prevent the risk of long term effects from long periods in a hospital bed such as blood clots and deep vein thrombosis. The physiotherapist will design exercises to help you strengthen core muscles in key areas of your body.

Increase your mobility

If you have spent a long time in a coma as part of your treatment in an ICU, physiotherapy can help you to recover your mobility. Physiotherapists will teach you how to move your body correctly and this can help to prevent long term pain or injury. Physiotherapy may be helpful if you have coordination or balance problems caused by COVID-19. Coordination issues can be caused by cognitive issues or from becoming deconditioned due to lack of movement. This can mean that you will instinctively move the wrong way, but a physio will need help with understanding how to move again. This can include exercises such as learning how to walk or run again and mastering everyday tasks such as writing and tying shoelaces. Each exercise will be graded in difficulty to allow you to gradually increase your level of independence. 

Improve lung capacity

If you have suffered from respiratory problems due to COVID-19, the physiotherapist may recommend breathing exercises. They will work on increasing your lung capacity as well as strengthening the muscles which control the diaphragm. Completing the exercises could help to improve any breathing difficulties you experience as a result of your illness. 

Increase your tolerance for exercise

If you have had COVID-19, physical movements can cause excessive amounts of pain. A physiotherapist can work on this by increasing your tolerance to exercise. You may be experiencing pain just walking to the shops, but the physiotherapist will help you to slowly increase your walking distance and speed until you can walk with little pain.

If you are interested in finding out more about how physiotherapy can help you to recover from COVID-19, start now. Contact a local physiotherapist today.
