How to Stay Safe From Mosquito-Borne Diseases in Argentina

If you're looking for a holiday filled with sunshine, stunning scenery, and great food then Argentina might just be the country for you. Of course, it's always important to stay safe when travelling abroad. If you're considering a trip to Argentina, here's everything you need to know about mosquito-borne diseases and how to avoid them.

1. Yellow fever Yellow fever is a serious and potentially fatal virus that's transmitted by mosquitoes in Argentina. The virus affects the liver and causes jaundice, a yellowing of the skin and eyes (hence the name yellow fever). Other key symptoms are high fever and flushing, pain in the joints and muscles, headaches, chill and shivering, and a loss of appetite. In its most serious form, yellow fever develops into a fatal phase which causes abdominal pain and vomiting, seizures, delirium, and bleeding.

2. Malaria Another common mosquito-borne disease in Argentina is Malaria. Malaria is an infectious disease that is caused by the parasite plasmodium, which infects mosquitoes that then carry on the virus to humans. The parasite lives in the red blood cells which makes it difficult for oxygen to be delivered to other parts of the body. This can lead to fever, chills, and shaking, as well as extreme fatigue and vomiting. While many survive malaria, it's possible to die from the disease even with treatment.

3. Dengue fever Dengue fever has a relatively low mortality rate when detected early, but it's definitely a disease you'll want to avoid. The symptoms of dengue fever include high fever, severe headaches, severe muscle pain, and rashes. Mosquitoes carrying dengue fever are widespread throughout Argentina, particularly in rural areas.

4. How to avoid mosquito-borne diseases Thankfully, with some careful planning, you can avoid contracting yellow fever, malaria, or dengue fever on your Argentina holiday. One of the best ways to protect yourself is to get the yellow fever vaccine--one of the few mosquito-borne disease vaccines available widespread around the world. Just one dose of the vaccine provides lifelong protection in most cases, so it's well worth the cost. A medical facility can provide more information about a yellow fever vaccination

On top of this, remember to stay away from areas of high mosquito density. This includes rural areas and spaces close to stagnant bodies of water. Wear long sleeves and long trousers where possible, opting for lightweight fabrics so you don't get too hot, and remember to close your window screens at night or use a mosquito net over your bed. For extra protection, carry a mosquito repellent with you wherever you go and reply as needed. 
